Member-only story
In computer science, RAM (Random Access Memory) is a form of computer data storage that stores data and machine code currently being used. When running an application, RAM is used to hold active data for a short period of time because RAM is very fast when it comes to reading and writing. Such data includes keys, balances and contract state.
However, in EOSIO sphere, RAM is a more complicated concept. It does not precisely correspond to the RAM concept in computer science. Simply put,, it is all the resources used except CPU and bandwidth in EOS, roughly corresponding to RAM and database in computer science sense.
RAM is a precious resource for development of dApps. Storage of application state will require a dApp developer to ensure there is enough RAM until that state is deleted. When RAM is insufficient for a dApp, some operations are unable to carry out and smart contracts cannot be deployed.
Since RAM is a scarce and tradable resource, two qualities that usually lead to speculation for anything, that is exactly what happened. Speculators tied up RAM that was suposed to be available to developers. Eventually developers found out that it was more profitable to trade RAM than building dApps so some joined in the cash grab. The developer of the Challenge dApp ended up spending…